Frequently asked questions

Setting Up Accounts


This paper will be added to as the system develops and is designed to be a useful aid to getting set up on the system. A separate guide to using the app will also be produced.

The Super User

Paul Langham currently holds this role for all accounts and will have access to all accounts in the initial phase of the project until Admins are comfy with what they have to do then Super Admin permissions can be turned off.

Creation of Organisation Admins

Paul will create admins for each organisation and an e-mail will be sent to the designated admin person. Please complete your registration and set your password and then familiarise yourself with the system.

Your registration e-mail has a 5 day life after which the link to set up the account will expire, please contact Paul Langham for this to be reset.

I would recommend that you set yourself up a "chaplain" account alongside your admin account so you can see what your colleagues will be able to see when using the app as the Admin role does not have the ability to use the App.

Creation of Users

Organisation Admins can set up users, the system will e-mail the users that they have been registered for the system and they can then register fully and set their passwords. Admins will then need to allocate the port or ports that the Chaplain or Ship Visitor will be using and amend the account type to reflect that.

As above the registration e-mail has a 5 day life.

Where a manager level of access is being set up they will be able to view all chaplains and ship visitors within the organisational account. It is suggested that the manager might choose to favourite the chaplains or ship visitors they are responsible for on the home screen of the admin system thereby concentrating their efforts on users they have direct responsibility for.

Renewing/Forgotten Passwords

As Admin you will be asked from time to time to renew a users password. To do this click on the User tab, then edit profile and there is a red button to "reset password" this will send the user a reset password email, they should do this within 1 hour of being sent.

The Apps

These will be available shortly to download from the Google Play or Apple App stores.

Once downloaded login into the app using the same password as you use for the admin system.

The app refresh data with Marine Traffic based on the port you are allocated and the ships in port or due in port will be displayed for you to browse and schedule visits.

We would recommend that you consider not signing out of the app and just minimising it when not in use.

Compatible Equipment

The App is designed to work on devices running either Android V5.0 or better (Lollipop) or IOS Apple 8.0or better so iPhone 4s or better. We have not tried every combination of device so there may be occasions where it does not work on a device you use despite meeting the required criteria.

As a personal recommendation running the App on an iPad Mini is particularly good, especially if you haven’t brought your glasses with you.


In the first instance ask your admin contact for help regarding the app or admin system but please contact me on and I will come back to you.